Chickpea Hummus is a very good cream of Middle Eastern origin.
Being a lover of chickpeas I literally fell in love with it and I have also tried some variations, with beans, avocado and finally with peas, but the classic remains absolutely my favorite.
It is a super simple and fast appetizer, perfect to serve with unleavened bread or with raw vegetables, like carrots and celery.
I leave you with the recipe for the thermomix Chickpea hummus.
See you for the next recipe!

Thermomix Chickpea hummus
- 250 gr chickpeas (cooked and drained)
- 80 gr tahini sauce
- 20 gr extra virgin olive oil
- 15 gr lemon juice
- 1 clove garlic (optional)
- salt enough
- paprika enough (optional)
- parsley enough
- cumin enough
- 40 gr water
Put all ingredients in the bowl (except paprika and parsley), blend: 30 sec. speed 8.
Gather at the bottom with the help of s spatula and blend again: 1 min. from speed 1 to speed 9, must be a thick but smooth mixture, if necessary add a little bit of warm water and mix again.
Serve with a sprinkle of parsley, paprika and a drizzle of oil and accompanied by unleavened bread… Buon appetito!