Thermomix Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

Thermomix recipe 100% made in Italy for chocolate crinkle cookies
Thermomix Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

Welcome to a delightful journey of making Chocolate Crinkle Cookies with your Thermomix.

These cookies are not only a treat to the eyes with their powdered sugar coatings that create beautiful crinkles upon baking but are also irresistibly delicious.

Chocolate Crinkle Cookies are soft, fudgy cookies characterized by their cracked surface and generous dusting of powdered sugar. Their texture combines the gooeyness of brownies with the shape and convenience of cookies, making them an all-time favorite during holidays and special occasions. The transformation from dough balls into these eye-catching crinkles happens due to the cooling of the exterior faster than the inside, which pushes the outer layer outwards.

Despite being widely popular today, the exact origins of Chocolate Crinkle Cookies remain somewhat mysterious. Some believe they were first made in the United States in the early 20th century. They gained popularity through cookbooks and bake sales, becoming a holiday staple and a beloved treat across the country. Their simplicity and chocolatey richness make them a timeless classic in the world of baked goods.

If you enjoyed making Chocolate Crinkle Cookies, the Thermomix can help you explore a variety of other recipes:

With your Thermomix, the possibilities are endless. Whether it’s the holiday season or a special treat for your loved ones, these recipes are sure to bring smiles and a bit of sweet indulgence. Enjoy the baking and the delightful treats you create!

I leave you with the recipe for the Thermomix Chocolate Crinkle Cookies.

See you for the next recipe!


Thermomix Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

Cuisine American
Total Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Servings 5


  • 250 gr plain flour or 00 flour
  • 125 gr cocoa powder
  • 8 gr baking powder
  • 4 eggs
  • 75 gr soft butter *
  • 180 gr sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • powdered sugar to taste (for decoration)


  1. Put the flour, cocoa and baking powder in the bowl, mix: 20 sec. speed. 3 and set aside.

  2. In the clean bowl, combine the soft butter and sugar, whisk (without butterfly): 2 min. speed 3.

  3. Set to speed 3 and add the eggs, one at a time and continue for 1 minute.

  4. Add the reserved dry ingredients, vanilla and mix: 1 min. speed 4.

  5. Place the resulting mixture in a container, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours (preferably overnight). The dough should be solid and cold.

  6. Then put icing sugar in a bowl, peel off a little dough at a time with the help of a spoon, roll it in your hands to give it a round shape.

  7. Pass each ball in icing sugar, making sure they are completely coated with sugar.

  8. Place the cookies spaced apart from each other on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10-12 minutes, depending on how big the cookies are.

  9. The cookies during baking will tend to swell and crack on the surface.

  10. Allow to cool completely before serving the Chocolate Crinkle Cookies… Buon appetito!

Recipe Notes

Once baked they will be soft to the touch, they will firm up when cooled but will still remain soft. Do not cook them longer than they should because when cooled they will be hard.

*For those who are intolerant to dairy products, it is necessary to replace the classic butter with the lactose-free one.

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