Thermomix Ricotta balls with sauce

Thermomix recipe 100% made in Italy for Ricotta balls with sauce
Thermomix Ricotta balls with sauce

The Thermomix ricotta balls with sauce are so soft and tasty that I couldn’t wait to publish the recipe for the Thermomix.

Thermomix ricotta balls are easy to prepare but incredibly good, a classic that I have seen prepared several times by my mother, the recipe is the original one from my Calabrian grandmother.

The Thermomix ricotta balls are also excellent when cooked in a pan, the choice is yours.

I leave you with the recipe for the Thermomix Ricotta balls with sauce.

See you for the next recipe!


Thermomix Ricotta balls with sauce

Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 4


  • 500 gr ricotta (drained)
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 gr grated parmesan
  • 100 gr breadcrumbs
  • fine salt to taste
  • aromatic herbs to taste

For the sauce:

  • 500 gr tomato sauce
  • 1 small onion
  • 15 gr extra virgin olive oil
  • 200 gr water
  • fine salt to taste


  1. Combine ricotta, eggs, parmesan, breadcrumbs, salt and herbs in the bowl, mix: 40 sec. speed. 4.

  2. With lightly oiled hands, form meatballs the size of a walnut and place them in the Varoma, also previously oiled.

  3. In the clean bowl, place the onion, chop: 5 sec. speed 7.

  4. Gather on the bottom with the help of a spatula and add the oil, fry: 3 min. 100° speed 1.

  5. Add the tomato sauce and water, salt, close the lid and place the varoma with the meatballs on top, cook: 20 min. Varoma speed. 1.

  6. Once the ricotta meatballs are cooked, serve them with the tomato sauce… Buon appetito!

Recipe Notes

Alternatively, it is possible to cook the balls in the oven or in a pan and the sauce separately.
For those who are intolerant to dairy products, it is possible to replace cheeses with lactose-free ones.
For celiacs, on the other hand, it is necessary to replace breadcrumbs with gluten-free bread.

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