Was it a heavy day? Let's recover with this tasty and easy to make
ice cream!
When I was in NYC I bought a number of Donna Hay magazine (she
is Australian and she is superlative) and going through it I found this
wonder of mango ice cream.
The original recipe also included the use of two bananas (always cut
into pieces and frozen), but I wanted to make it without and the result
was still exceptional.
I served it to some uncles and they loved it.
And it’s really easy to do, you just need two ingredients!
Do you think I convinced you?
I leave you with the recipe for the thermomix mango ice cream.
Enjoy the beginning of the week people.
See you for the next recipe!

Thermomix Mango Ice cream
- 2 mango
- 250 gr yogurt vanilla
Peel and clean the mango, cut into small pieces, put them in an airtight container and place them in the freezer until completely freezed.
Put the frozen mango in the jug, chop: 30 secs. at speed 6.
Add the yogurt, stir in: 30 sec. at speed 7 with a spatula (use the spatula supplied).
Divide into cups and serve… Enjoy the meal!
Recipe Notes
In case you do not want to serve it immediately put it back in the
freezer and take it out about 30 minutes before serving.