Thermomix Pasta with zucchini cream

Thermomix recipe 100% made in Italy for Pasta with zucchini cream
Pasta con crema di zucchine Bimby
Pasta con crema di zucchine Bimby

Good evening everyone, tonight I have delighted everyone with this simple, vegetarian and fast main course.

I wanted to prepare the pasta but dress it differently from the usual tomato sauce, thanks to the zucchini that I already had.

Uncertain about the success of the dish, I asked my family if it was really good, and my mother answers me saying: “Do you hear us talking? No, then it is very good”.
There could not have been a better answer.

I leave you to the thermomix pasta recipe with zucchini cream.

See you for the next recipe!


Thermomix pasta with zucchini cream

Total Time 25 minutes
Servings 4


  • 300 gr zucchini
  • 30 gr extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 shallot
  • 100 gr milk
  • 30 gr parmesan grated (optional)
  • 400 gr pasta
  • salt enough


  1. Put the shallot in the jug, mince: 10 secs. speed 7.

  2. Gather at the bottom with the help of a spatula and add oil, fry: 3 mins. 100°C speed 5.

  3. Add the zucchini cut into small pieces, cook: 10 mins. 100°C speed Soft.

  4. Add the milk, cook again: 10 mins 100°C Reverse speed Soft.

  5. Add the Parmesan, salt and mince: 30 secs. speed 8.

  6. At this point cook the pasta in plenty of salted water, drain it and dress it with the cream of zucchini.

  7. Serve as desired with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese… Buon appetito!

Recipe Notes

If you use gluten free pasta, the dish is also edible by celiacs.

While for vegans it is possible not to put the Parmesan and replace the milk with the vegetable one.

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