Thermomix Carrot Pesto

Thermomix recipe 100% made in Italy for carrot pesto
Thermomix carrot pesto

Today’s recipe is a variant of the classic Genoese basil pesto, in fact
instead of basil I used carrots and instead of pine nuts, almonds.

It can be made in the blink of an eye and is perfect for seasoning
pasta and you can use the idea to feed vegetables to children.

What do you think? I have noticed that many people use raw carrots without first blanching them, but I have found that preparing them this way has a more delicate flavor.

I leave you with the recipe for carrot pesto.

See you for the next recipe!


Thermomix Carrot Pesto

Cuisine Italian
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 5


  • 200 gr carrot peeled
  • 40 gr parmesan grated (optional)
  • 50 gr extra virgin olive oil
  • 30 gr almond (or cashews)
  • 1 sprig rosemary (optional)
  • salt enough
  • water enough


  1. Put 500 ml of water in the jug, add salt and place the basket with the carrots cut into rounds, cook: 15 mins. 100°C speed 1.

  2. Drain and place the carrots, parmesan, cashews and rosemary in the empty jug, mince: 10 secs. speed 7.

  3. Gather at the bottom with the help of a spatula and add oil, emulsify: 30 secs. speed 5.

  4. At this point season the pasta with the pesto obtained and serve… Buon appetito!

Recipe Notes

Alternatively, the pesto can be stored in the freezer in an airtight
container for a few months.

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